Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fat Kid Abroad- Paris Day 2: Chocolate Goodness

Paris adventures continue!  Jet lag took a toll on the group today, so we had a bit of a late start.  Despite this delay, we had many more food adventures as we wandered around Paris.

We started the day out having lunch for breakfast.

Caitlin's cappuccino.  Looked delicious.

My shot of espresso.  Totally legit.

Tartine with goat cheese and apple butter.  Smelled it before I saw it coming- yep, it was super tasty.

Caitlin's quiche lorraine.  Had a nibble- confirmed that it was very good.

Nick's omelet.  I didn't try this, but he didn't leave a scrap of food on the plate, which means it must have been good.

Billy's Tartine Parisienne.  Salad with ham, cheese and tomato tartine.  Also very good.

While this was a great start to the day, the absolute favorite was the hot chocolate.

Heaven.  I'm guessing they simply melted a chocolate bar and served it in a mug.  I nearly licked every last drop out of the cup.  If you are ever in Paris, you need to check this place out.  They also served fantastic tea, but after the hot chocolate, it was difficult to remember anything else that came before or after we drank this pure goodness.

Spent the remainder of the day wandering around, stopping occasionally to grab a glass of wine to keep us powering through.  Still feels a bit surreal that I'm here in Paris.  Feel so lucky!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fat Kid Abroad- Paris Day 1: Soup & Salad

Being a student is hard work, but it has it's perks.  Like when your school is willing to foot the bill for a trip to Paris.  For the purposes of representing the school in a legitimate international competition of course.  I can think of no better way to break a six month plus hiatus from blogging than for the purpose of bragging about sharing my food adventures abroad.

After a long travel day, we were relieved to finally arrive and get some grub into our bellies.  We weren't particularly discriminating when we chose Le Bis Repetita, but it was a lucky score.  

First up: soup 

Funny thing- French Onion Soup is also called French Onion Soup in France.  They probably called it another thing on the French menu, but at least on the English menu, they referred to it by this name.  No matter what you call it, it was delicious.  Exactly what I wanted and need- crusted over with a nice seal of cheese, a big thick slice of bread, and oh-so-wonderful caramelized onions.  So flippin' good.  

Next course: salad

They called this Fried Goat Cheese Salad.  They wrapped goat cheese in phyllo dough and fried it.  The salad came with three of these cheesy triangles of goodness.  The salad greens themselves were relatively basic, but very fresh.  Topped off with a simple vinaigrette. 

All so good.  It's ok to be jealous. 

I'll be in Paris for the next two weeks, spending a few days in Portugal before heading back to 'merica.  Any suggestions on places to try or specific kinds of food to eat?