Saturday, February 26, 2011

Got My Fix: Ice Cream Sandwiches at Berkeley Cream

I love ice cream. I doesn't matter what time of year, what time of day, what the weather is like, I will eat it. When I know that I am going to have ice cream, my heart starts to race, my pupils dilate, and I become uncontrollably giddy.

After a long dry spell going without my drug of choice, I got a fix tonight at Cream ("Cookies Rule Everything Around Me"). Some of the Fat Kids were out for dinner and decided to try this new(ish) place out for dessert. $1.50 ice cream sandwiches, made with cookies straight out of the oven. A-maz-ing.
While us Fat Kids love anything tasty, we especially love things that are (1) cheap, (2) sweet, and (3) fatty. I am so glad that this place wasn't around when I was an undergrad because I would have made this a nightly stop and might have gained 50 pounds before I graduated.

Butter Sugar cookie on one side, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookie on the other, glued together by Coffee Almond Fudge ice cream

Sure, this is probably a knock-off of Diddy Riese near UCLA, but I figure since they copied our mascot and our fight song, Cal can have this one.

They have a selection of a dozen or so ice cream flavors that you can combine with roughly six different varieties of cookies. I had coffee almond fudge with chocolate chip cookies. They use Double Rainbow ice cream- although not comparable to my absolute fav, Mitchell's, I was pretty impressed.

According to some of the Yelp reviews, the line can get a bit long, but if you are near Telegraph Ave in Berkeley, Cream is worth the wait.


Welcome to the Fat Kids' Food Blog!  This is a blog written by a few peeps who love - really love - food.

We are all self-defined Fat Kids.  This a term of endearment that appropriately reflects our passion for all things tasty.  We come in all shapes and sizes, but each of us can clear our plates.

Although we are still figuring out what we want to do with this blog, it is intended to document our adventures eating.  Stay tuned for more!