Saturday, February 26, 2011

Got My Fix: Ice Cream Sandwiches at Berkeley Cream

I love ice cream. I doesn't matter what time of year, what time of day, what the weather is like, I will eat it. When I know that I am going to have ice cream, my heart starts to race, my pupils dilate, and I become uncontrollably giddy.

After a long dry spell going without my drug of choice, I got a fix tonight at Cream ("Cookies Rule Everything Around Me"). Some of the Fat Kids were out for dinner and decided to try this new(ish) place out for dessert. $1.50 ice cream sandwiches, made with cookies straight out of the oven. A-maz-ing.
While us Fat Kids love anything tasty, we especially love things that are (1) cheap, (2) sweet, and (3) fatty. I am so glad that this place wasn't around when I was an undergrad because I would have made this a nightly stop and might have gained 50 pounds before I graduated.

Butter Sugar cookie on one side, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookie on the other, glued together by Coffee Almond Fudge ice cream

Sure, this is probably a knock-off of Diddy Riese near UCLA, but I figure since they copied our mascot and our fight song, Cal can have this one.

They have a selection of a dozen or so ice cream flavors that you can combine with roughly six different varieties of cookies. I had coffee almond fudge with chocolate chip cookies. They use Double Rainbow ice cream- although not comparable to my absolute fav, Mitchell's, I was pretty impressed.

According to some of the Yelp reviews, the line can get a bit long, but if you are near Telegraph Ave in Berkeley, Cream is worth the wait.

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