Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paris Day Three: Sunday Sweets & Soup

I'm continuing to have a great time exploring Paris, especially the food.  Seriously considering abandoning the whole law school thing and simply attending cooking school here in France.  I have a few more days until I need to decide whether I come home or not. In the meantime, here are the quickly accumulating backlog of pictures documenting my food adventures.

(Note: For the sake of time, I'm simply throwing up the pictures with limited commentary.  Will go back through and edit more once I have a bit more time.)

Macaroons! My first ever legitimate macaroons!  They were delicious!

I got them from this lovely little pastry shop in the Montmarte neighborhood.  The most adorable French young woman waited on me.

I also got a madeline and another pastry (I can't remember the name right now!)- also fabulous. 

Caitlin ordered this yummy quiche- also delicious. 

Most of Paris shuts down on Sunday nights, so we had slim pickings for dinner.  We are staying in a pseudo-Japanese neighborhood (at least a neighborhood with a very high concentration of Japanese restaurants), so we got noodle soup for dinner- cold weather = soup.  Very tasty. 

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